I woke up this morning to such an amazing, inspirational, exciting email from my wonderful wife entitled,

"met him!"

OMG! I just spent almost 3 hours at the orphange. So amazing! Haben was not too sure about the white ladies visiting him. He cried. He finally settled down and we crashed cars together. The nannies had him hand me a bunch of
things and he did for awhile. I think he liked his picture album of himself. I got him to laugh when I tickled his feet finally and a few kisses on the forehead. I think he liked the treats the best. I finally got him to hold my hand to go out of the
baby room and he let me carry him up the stairs. He would just get nervous about me every now and then and cry. Hopefully the week will help him be more comfortable. I felt a little bad because the babies loved my attention and so did 2 other toddlers.
It's a good thing though that he is attached to others. They go to everyone if they have not learned to attach.

He is absolutely perfect in every way. He seems very comfortable
with his new nannies and he likes/lets the older girls hold and snuggle him. He was buds with one of Jenny Wagner's daughters (Winter Haven). Can't say enough about how perfect he is. Total peanut. Skinny legs, tiny hands, and African feet
(you know the puffy heel/sole kind). Does not like when others take or get his toys. He has a great pouty face.

Better get off here. Just tried to call you but it didn't go through. Try me in the
next half hour. We are heading to the market at 3.

XOXOXO Love my new son! You are going to die.

Posted on January 27, 2011

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